Peacocks are classified in the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata , class Aves , order Galliformes, family Phasianidae.
孔雀被认为是脊索动物类,脊索动物亚门, 鸟类.
互联网The mollusc phylum includes all soft - bodied animals without backbones.
互联网Zygomycete Any fungus belonging to the phylum Zygomycota.
互联网The category of phylum was added classification scheme later, as a hierarchical level just beneath kingdom.
至于门这个阶层,则在随后才加上, 被置于界这个层级的后面.
期刊摘选Acrasiomycota ( cellular slime molds ) A class of protoctists in the phylum Rhizopoda.
集胞粘菌门 ( 细胞状粘菌 ):根足亚纲的一类原生生物.
互联网Small - middle size soil animals belong to 5 phylum, 6 class, 9 order, 7 famility. The dominant groups is Nematoda.
中小型 土壤动物5门6纲9目7科, 优势类群为线虫.
互联网There are 76 grougs, 4359 Large - size soil animals that belongto 4 phylum, 8 class, 20 order, 48 famility.
大型土壤动物有76类, 4359只,隶属于4门 、 8纲 、 20目 、 48科.
互联网Angiosperms The flowering plants constituting by far the largest phylum ( Anthophyta or Angiospermophyta ) of vascular seed plants.
互联网Basidiomycota ( basidiomycetes ) A phylum of the Fungi that includes the mushrooms and toadstools.
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