英文超文本预处理语言Hypertext Preprocessor的缩写。PHP 是一种 HTML 内嵌式的语言,是一种在服务器端执行的嵌入HTML文档的脚本语言,语言的风格有类似于C语言,被广泛地运用。;pounds per horsepower 磅/马力;propeller horsepower 螺旋桨马力;partial-hospitalization program 部分住院程序;
It is efficient since the PHP parser does the dirty work.
互联网There are several templating engines freely available for PHP.
互联网You can reference arrays by their index, much like native PHP syntax.
你可以由数组索引(下标)引用数组元素, 非常像php的语法.
互联网This section lists the different operators used in PHP.
互联网The PHP code begins with the tag and ends with? >.
PHP代码是以标记开始并以? >结束的.
互联网ElePHPant is meant to fill that void in the PHP community.
互联网All variables in PHP start with a $ sign symbol.
所有的PHP变量 的前面都包含一个“$”符号.
互联网Remember, that only works when PHP is run from the shell.
记住, 只有当PHP的作品是由壳牌.
互联网It can help prevent the possible execution of harmful PHP code.
互联网PHP is a server side, cross - platform , HTML embedded scripting language.
就可以知道PHP是在伺服器端的 跨平台 HTML内嵌式描述语言.
互联网The string must be valid PHP code and must end with semicolon.
互联网PHP website extracts, all net generation Abstract all static pages.
PHP网页摘录程序, 所有网摘全部生成静态页面.
互联网Been wondering " Just how many template engines does PHP have? "
因为正在困惑 “ PHP到底一共有多少种模版引擎 呢 ? ”
互联网It is today a logo for many french PHP sites.
互联网SMARTY _ PHP _ ALLOW - Smarty will execute the tags as PHP code.
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