The phonation rate was 98 % in 4 520 patients from all over the country.
互联网Objective To study the relationship of functional phonation disorders and laryngeal organic diseases.
期刊摘选Results There was a linear correlation between phonation volume and vital capacity.
互联网Simultaneous reconstruction of phonation will not interfere with the patients'swallowing.
互联网Conclusion The results suggested the hypertrophic ventricular fold disturbed the phonation, making the fundamental frequency lower.
结论肥厚的室带可能参与发音, 使基频和低音降低.
互联网The proper application of broadcasting phonation techniques can optimize the English as well as mandarin pronunciation.
互联网Functional monitoring was achieved through natural phonation and stroboscopic examination during the operation.
互联网Functions for swallowing and phonation are the major concerns for patients after total pharyngolaryngectomy.
互联网Objective: To measure vocal fold vibration quantitatively and study the effects of gender and phonation mode.
目的: 探讨声带振动功能的定量检测技术及其影响因素.
互联网Therefore , the patients can obtain satisfactory function of respiration, swallowing and phonation postoperatively.
术后病人的呼吸 、 吞咽和发音功能恢复满意.
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