Aspartame : Synthetic organic compound ( a dipeptide ) of phenylalanine and aspartic acid.
互联网Objective : To Study the antitussive effects of phenylalanine extract of Staphylococcus albus.
目的: 研究白色葡萄球菌苯丙氨酸提取物的镇咳作用.
互联网The new process to extract and concentrate phenylalanine fermentation broth by liquid emulsion membrane ( LEM ) is introduced.
介绍了采用乳化液膜的 分离方法 提取浓缩苯丙氨酸的新工艺.
——期刊摘选Phenylalanine: One of the essential amino acids, present in many common proteins, especially hemoglobin.
苯丙氨酸: 见于普通蛋白质 、 尤其是血红蛋白中的一种基本氨基酸.
互联网The essential amino acids are leucine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine , tryptophan, and valine.
必需氨基酸包括亮氨酸 、 异亮氨酸 、 赖氨酸 、 蛋氨酸 、 苯丙氨酸 、 苏氨酸 、 色氨酸和缬氨酸.
互联网L - Phenylalanine, L - valine and L - leucine were used to prepare the corresponding NCAs.
用L - 苯丙氨酸,L - 缬氨酸,L - 亮氨酸制得相应的N- 羧酸内酸酐,并分别与二乙胺,叔丁胺, 异丙胺,正丁胺反应.
互联网Phenylalanine from beets, almonds, eggs, meat, and grains goes into making the neurotransmitter dopamine.
苯丙氨酸来源于甜菜, 杏仁, 鸡蛋, 肉类和谷物,是用于合成神经递质多巴胺所必须的.
期刊摘选Method: Phenylalanine was absorbed with particle activated carbon.
方法: 采用颗粒活性炭吸附苯丙氨酸.
互联网After acidic hydrolysis, phenylalanine was obtained with total yield of 62.5 %.
互联网The process of production of L - phenylalanine by enzyme catalysis is introduced in detail.
详细介绍了酶法生产L - 苯丙氨酸的工艺技术.
互联网Labelled shikimic acid is reality converted to phenylalanine.
辞典例句L - Phenylalanine ( L - Phe ) , an essential aromatic amino acid, had found wide use in additive and pharmaceutical industry.
苯丙 氨酸.具有生理活性的芳香族氨基酸, 是人体和动物不能自身合成的必需氨基酸之一.
互联网DL - phenylalanine refers to a racemic mixture consisting of 50 % D - phenylalanine and 50 % L - phenylalanine.
互联网A procedure for the determination of tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine by three - wavelength spectrophotometry was studied.
本文用三波长分光光度法测定了色氨酸 、 酪氨酸和苯丙氨酸.
互联网D - phenylalanine is a nonprotein amino acid, meaning that it does not participate in protein biosynthesis.
D - 苯丙氨酸是一种非蛋白氨基酸, 这意味着它不参与蛋白质的合成.
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