They include alkaloids, steroids, phenolics, saponins, tannins, resins, essential oils, various organic acids , and other componds.
它们包括生物碱 、 甾类化合物 、 酚类 、 皂角苷 、 丹宁 、 树脂 、 香精和各种有机酸等.
辞典例句If one considers the phenolics, then there are more phenolic aglycones than any other type.
如果考虑到酚化物, 那么酚配基比其他类型的配基要多.
Methods : Volatile phenolics in water not been chloroform were detected by flow injection analysis ( FLA ).
目的 〕为获得一种方便、准确和灵敏测定水中挥发性酚类化合物的检测方法.
——期刊摘选HIV is readily inactivated by heat and many disinfectants, including peroxide, alcohols , phenolics, and hypochlorite.
HIV容易通过加热和许多消毒剂灭活, 如过氧化物 、 酒精 、 酚和次氯酸.
互联网Using the acknowledged signal molecule in herbage - MeJA , the phenolics, PPO and POD in P . SimoniixP . Pyramibalis c .
用在草本植物中公认的信号分子 —— MeJA 熏蒸健康合作杨植株, 其体内的酚类及PPO及POD也发生了显著变化.
互联网Phenolics, which are antioxidants, are more prevalent in red wines than in whites.
酚类物质属于抗氧化剂, 相对白葡萄酒而言较普遍出现于红葡萄酒中.
互联网The phenolics content in the pericarp of apple - pear decreases and the browning level increases during storage.
互联网Phenolics: Tannins, color pigments and flavor compounds originating in the skins, seeds and stems of grapes.
酚类物质: 来自葡萄皮, 种子和葡萄茎的单宁, 色素和芳香混合物.
互联网Forest resources include the Main cheMical coMponents of wood, naMely cellulose, heMicellulose, lignin, terpenoids and phenolics.
林产资源包括纤维素 、 半纤维素 、 木质素 、 萜类化合物、酚类化合物等树木的主要化学组成.
互联网Avoid materials such as nylon and phenolics.
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