The pettiness of their criticisms enraged him.
辞典例句Pettiness was incompatible not only with their personalities, but with their presences.
谨小慎微不但同他们的个性, 而且跟他们的仪表都是不相容的.
辞典例句Raise your eyes above the pettiness and follow the path of greatness that is within you.
互联网There should be sincerity and not hypocrisy , large - mindedness and not pettiness, in dealing with people.
待人以诚而去其诈, 待人以宽而去其隘.
互联网Tom is a nice person, except for his pettiness.
互联网Never had she met such spite and pettiness.
辞典例句We see him whole, and our vision is unobstructed by the pettiness in life.
我们看到了完整的他, 生活的琐屑阻碍不了我们的想望.
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