His square - framed perpendicularity showed more fully now than in the crowed and bustle of the markethouse.
辞典例句Application of vector method to problems involving parallelism, perpendicularity and division of a line segment.
应用向量方法以解平行, 垂直及线段之分割等问题.
互联网Deviations of ovality, perpendicularity and partial concave - convex on large - scaled storage tanks are inevitably in construction.
大型储罐在施工中椭圆度 、 垂直度及局部凸凹度的偏差不可避免.
互联网With the face grinding attachment , perpendicularity of the endface to the bore after grinding can guaranteed.
互联网All straight line directions are all valid: Level, perpendicularity or diagonal line direction.
所有的直线方向均有效: 水平 、 垂直或对角线方向.
互联网In installing the steel column, how many mm . Are the deviation range of elevation and perpendicularity?
钢柱安装, 标高和垂直度偏差范围是多少?
互联网Exact perpendicularity between the components must be maintained.
辞典例句This paper analysis NC machine tool perpendicularity error.
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