An old Pentium 133 will be sufficient for development or a small personal site.
互联网Fulong view on the left side of the bottle is Po, Pentium surging river, the magnificent.
伏龙观的左侧是宝瓶口, 江水奔腾澎湃, 气势磅礴.
互联网Heart sinking , China will be agitation of ups and downs, thoughts such as River Pentium.
那颗中国心就会激荡起伏, 思绪如黄河奔腾.
互联网Pentium horse racing, is a good rider on the master.
驰骋奔腾的骏马, 靠的是好骑手的驾驭.
互联网Intel Pentium: Intel Inside.
英特尔奔腾: 给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”.
互联网A Pentium 100 can easily fill a T 1 with traffic.
互联网As the gap between large, water - rich, Pentium roaring river, forming many rapids rapids.
由于落差大, 水量丰富, 江水奔腾咆哮, 形成多处急流险滩.
互联网Pentium 4 computers are a drug on the market.
互联网Blessing of the Tibetan Plateau in the Pentium covered across the rainbow world.
互联网You are always willing to Chollima the Pentium.
互联网Or when Intel learned that its Pentium chip contained a math error.
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