What is the relation between new media and citizen education or critical pedagogy?
新媒体与公民教育或批判式教育学的关系是什 麽 ?
——期刊摘选It can be described as praxis, critical pedagogy, or critical action research.
可以把它称为“批判性教学法”,“批判性行动研究”, 或(哲学意义上的)“实践”.
期刊摘选Phenomenological pedagogy provides a new academic foundation for remolding teacher's role.
互联网Phenomenological pedagogy calls for the rediscovery and return of human spirits in educational practice.
互联网We just don't have the money to reinvent the model of pedagogy.
期刊摘选Pedagogy is recognized as an important profession.
期刊摘选This theory belongs to music pedagogy and courses to learn the property.
期刊摘选University student's choosing occupation is a hot issue that concerns many as pedagogy, sociology, etc.
大学生择业观问题是近年来教育学 、 社会学等众多学科共同关注的热点问题.
期刊摘选This tides once contribute to postmodernist controversy on philosophy, aesthesis, sociology, literature and pedagogy.
这一思潮曾一度在哲学 、 美学 、 社会学 、 文学、教育学等领域掀起“后现代主义论争”.
期刊摘选At the same time, brain science, psychology, pedagogy, and information technology have developed flourishingly as well.
与此同时, 脑科学 、 心理学 、 教育学 、 信息技术学等各学科领域与学科教学整合的研究也得到了蓬勃地发展.
期刊摘选Until they show the effectiveness of their pedagogy, they should be treated with skepticism.
在这些学者所提倡的教学法显现出有力成效之前, 他们都应该被以怀疑的眼光审视.
期刊摘选This section describes the pedagogy and logistics of the course.
期刊摘选The field of study that is concerned with the pedagogy of teaching and learning.
期刊摘选I think that the pedagogy of Chinese language teaching in Singapore should be re - examined.
期刊摘选Paulo Freire is a representative of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed.
期刊摘选The cultural insularity of music today is not simply the consequence of deficient pedagogy or propagation.
期刊摘选Mr. Brown's lessons are usually excellent. He is a master of pedagogy.
布朗先生的课经常都上得很好, 他是教育学的硕士.
期刊摘选The essay raises two writing styles of pedagogy research: traditional and poetic one.
期刊摘选Mr. Brown is a master of pedagogy.
辞典例句Changing the model of pedagogy for this generation is crucial for the survival of the university.
期刊摘选The children's tutor is replaced by new teacher and students from the pedagogy seminary.
期刊摘选The thethe perspectives of theof pedagogy and theviews of teaching, teacher's role and teacher education curriculum.
美国教师教育大学化的意义在于, 确立了教师教育在综合性大学和文理学院中的独立地位,确立了教师教育在高等教育学术科层结构中的位置.
期刊摘选Subjects of study such as pedagogy and education management are also on the priority list.
期刊摘选Lots of systematic research on creativity is conducted in the realms of pedagogy and psychology.
期刊摘选Teachers who make outstanding contributions in pedagogy should be commended and rewarded.
期刊摘选Analysing and considering those problems carefully is the key to Chinese pedagogy development.
期刊摘选Paying attention to the development of pedagogy is the universal wish of pedagogy scholar.
期刊摘选Technology is technology, and the lack of proper pedagogy leads only to an white elephant.
技术毕竟是技术, 如果缺少教学法的指导,再好的技术也只能是昂贵的附属品.
期刊摘选More information about this educational approach can be found in the course pedagogy section.
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