The British could afford to reduce defence spending in peacetime without excessive risk.
——柯林斯例句Secretaries and uniformed orderlies moved softly at a peacetime pace.
辞典例句In 1940, the first 75,000 men were called to armed forces duty under peacetime conscription.
1940年, 和平时期第一次征招75000人作为履行海陆空军的义务.
——期刊摘选Like most "peacetime wars" it did not conform to preconceived ideas.
柯林斯例句Life in peacetime Britain was grey threadbare dreary and hopeless.
——期刊摘选Losing more sweat in peacetime ( training , etc. ) means shedding less blood in war.
平时多 流汗, 战时少流血.
——《现代汉英综合大词典》Myra: No , we fascination of the'unknown peacetime too.
可是, 和平时期我们也会遇到意外的.
互联网In peacetime, you should also note on bearing lubrication, prevent wear.
平时还应注意对轴承的润滑, 防止使用磨损情况发生.
互联网Military communication is very important both in wartime and peacetime.
期刊摘选Waging two wars on a peacetime budget is rapidly wearing out vehicles and equipment.
期刊摘选Which country elected a World War II fascist war criminal ( Class A ) as a peacetime leader?
期刊摘选Pass peacetime to browse various newspaper magazine in the reading room, enriched knowledge, spacious visual field.
通过平时在阅览室翻阅各种报纸杂志, 丰富了知识, 开阔了视野.
期刊摘选He served during peace-time as an intelligence officer in the Navy.
柯林斯高阶英语词典We welcomed the watchless nights of peacetime.
期刊摘选Whether it was in wartime or in peacetime, our Party always aimed at serving the people.
无论是在战争年代,还是在和平时期, 我们党始终以“为人民服务”为宗旨.
期刊摘选The 2000 census is said to have been the largest peacetime mobilisation in American history.
期刊摘选The more you sweat in Peacetime, The less you bleed during War.
在和平时付出多, 在战争时流血就少一点.
期刊摘选Peacetime also do some exercises that.
期刊摘选Reading in peacetime training, the article recommends that candidates pay attention to the organizational structure.
在平时的阅读训练中, 建议考生注意文章的组织结构.
期刊摘选As a peacetime statesman Churchill had been , in his view, something of a disaster.
在他看来, 邱吉尔在和平时期是位糟糕的政治家.
辞典例句In the United States during peacetime, daylight saving was a subject of controversy.
在美国的和平时期, 日光节约时间曾经是争论的焦点.
期刊摘选The British could afford to reduce defence spending in peacetime without excessive risk...
柯林斯高阶英语词典Jinxin students, Jinxin peacetime study also very planned and perseverance, the study subjects are arranged inorder.
金鑫的同学说, 金鑫平时学习也极有计划性和毅力, 把各科学习都安排得井井有条.
期刊摘选The wells in peacetime use of the Kwu stamp.
期刊摘选America chose to have a volunteer army during peacetime.
期刊摘选Learn peacetime, it is necessary to carefully and objectively Tests of subjects for analysis.
平时学习, 要认真、客观地对各科测验进行分析.
期刊摘选They could have been, and were, produced just as well by an equivalent peacetime inflation.
哪怕在和平年代,同等规模的通货膨胀也能带来这样的结果, 并且的确产生过这些结果.
期刊摘选The city itself kept its peacetime look.
辞典例句Government debt levels are currently at peacetime record highs.
期刊摘选They changed back to peacetime production.
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