programmable data acquisition system 可编程数字采购系统;
Typically, these devices are smart phones, pagers and PDAs.
通常, 这些设备是智能电话 、 传呼机和PDA等.
互联网It's even available on mobile phones and PDAs.
互联网Many handwriting analysis programs ( such as those used in popular PDAs ) are powered by ANNs.
很多手写体分析程序 ( 如那些用于流行的PDA的程序 ) 是由ANN提供的动力.
互联网She is way too into PDAs. How can I tell her to stop it?
互联网My boyfriend is really into PDAs. I'm so embarrassed.
互联网Before entering the test room, turn off your mobile phones, PDAs or any other electronic devices.
进入试场前, 请关闭行动电话 、 呼叫器或相关电子产品.
互联网Peers can include sensors, phones, and PDAs, as well as PCs, servers, and supercomputers.
可以是传感器 、 电话 、 PDA, 也可以是PC 、 服务器 、 和超级计算机.
互联网IrDA protocols are implemented in Symbian OS phones, many PDAs, printers and laptop computers.
IrDA协议由Symbian操作系统手机 、 许多PDA 、 打印机和膝上型计算机实现.
互联网The procedure is sometimes done on small PDAs to prevent the risk of bacterial endocarditis.
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