A snow ball caught the passer - by in the shoulder.
那个雪球打在 过路人 的肩膀上.
辞典例句The brat sicked his dog on the passer - by .
那个顽童纵狗去咬 过路人.
——辞典例句The most headless passer - by feels the depressing influences of a place.
一到这个地方,连最没心事的人也会象所有的 过路人 一样无端端的不快活.
辞典例句I went and sat in a cafe and watched the passers-by.
柯林斯例句With the help of a passer - by , I carried the injured person into a shop.
在一个 过路人 的帮助下, 我把伤者抬进了一家商店.
辞典例句A snow ball caught the passer - by on the shoulder.
一个雪球正打在 过路人 的肩上.
期刊摘选I'm just an insignificant passer - by in your life.
在你的生活中,我不过是一个微不足道的 过路人.
期刊摘选He begged from passer - by .
他向 过路人 乞讨.
期刊摘选He sat patiently, holding me fast until a passer - by stopped and offered help.
他耐心地坐着, 紧紧地抱着我,后来有一位 过路人 停了下来,自告奋勇帮忙.
辞典例句They are the real masters, while we are just the passer - by.
他们是真正的主人, 当我们只是过路人的时候 - 被.
期刊摘选Aided by a passer by , she managed to walk to the police station.
在一位过路人的帮助下, 她来到了警察局.
期刊摘选And a passer - by will be determined to help a stranded driver change a tire.
或者是一个 过路人 决定帮助汽车抛锚的司机更换轮胎.
时文部分While walking along the sidewalk, he absorbed in thought that he ran against a passer - by .
他走在人行道上时, 全神贯注地想心事,以致和一个 过路人 撞了个满怀.
期刊摘选They knew only too well that any passer - by , any lounger, might be a spy.
她们非常清楚任何一个 过路人 或游手好闲者都可能告密.
辞典例句He started to run away and barged against a passer - by .
他拔腿跑开,和一个 过路人 撞了个满怀.
期刊摘选The old man asked a passer - by to tell him the way to the Great Wall Hotel.
期刊摘选Police asked passers-by if they had seen the accident.
牛津词典A passer-by described what he saw moments after the car bomb had exploded...
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