寄生物( parasite的名词复数 );靠他人为生的人;诸虫;
Most ascomycetes are either saprobes or parasites.
互联网Parasites. Not quite the right association for purveyors of $ 1 buttery - soft leather handbags and expensive shoes.
寄生族. 这一人群似乎和那些1,000美元软皮革手包和昂贵鞋子的时尚品牌没什么关系.
互联网Unlike the dropouts, they are not parasites.
他们跟愤世嫉俗的人不同, 他们不是寄生者.
辞典例句Coevolutionary relationships, from parasites to allies, are in their essence informational.
共同进化的关系, 从寄生到结盟, 从本质上来讲都具有信息的属性.
互联网The nature of the nutritional requirements for obligate parasites in nature is unknown.
辞典例句Do predators and parasites regulate the population size of their prey?
捕食者和寄生者是否能够调节其猎物种群的大小 呢 ?
互联网The life cycle of Plasmodium parasites is known to depend on temperature.
互联网The relationship between parasites andparasites and chestnut gall wasp was assured.
互联网Even the most benign are parasites, draining the resources of their hosts.
即使是大多数良性病毒也是寄生性的, 它们会消耗掉宿主的养分.
互联网We can't live as parasites.
互联网Which weed ( Witchweed ) among the few flowering in weeds that act as the parasites on other plants.
互联网We're mere parasites, crawling over the surface.
辞典例句Witchweed is among the few flowering weeds that act as parasites on other plants.
互联网Languages, religions, skills and fashions that began as parasites turned into symbionts.
语言 、 宗教 、 技艺和时尚这些东西最初都是寄生生物,后来却进化成了共生生物.
互联网For dysentery with blood, pain in intestine areableeding in the urinary tract , parasites, leprosy.
治温病血痢, 肠风溺赤, 黄疸酒毒,又能袪风逐水,杀虫, 治大风疥癞.
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