反论; 荒谬; 自相矛盾; 似非而可能是;
To speak paradoxically, the existence of insignificant people has very important consequences in the world.
说来似乎近于怪论, 天地间那些无足轻重之人往往产生万分重大的影响.
辞典例句When you win a battle your partner submits, you have, paradoxically, lost.
当你赢得了一场口角, 使你的另一半屈服了, 你其实恰恰相反, 是输家了.
互联网Paradoxically, the only time the court can deliver the subpoena is when all relevant evidences prepared.
(例子)颇具矛盾的是, 仅当全部相关证据准备妥当时,法庭才能将传票递出.
互联网My parents used to fight like cat and dog yet paradoxically they still loved each other.
互联网Paradoxically, the success has also been frustrating.
可是很矛盾地, 这项成功却也令人沮丧.
互联网Paradoxically, the supreme information provider also has the effect of reducing information intake.
自相矛盾的是, 最重要的信息提供者同时也是减低信息吸收率的主要力量.
互联网Paradoxically, some of the conditions may relate to the narrowing and the limiting of the subjectivity.
但我们还是要谨慎, 不宜过于信赖模糊的好感.
互联网When you win a battle and your partner submits, you have, paradoxically, lost.
当你赢得了一场口角,你的配偶暂时屈服了,而实际上, 与此相反, 你已经输了.
互联网THE one sure way to prolong an animal s life is , paradoxically, to starve it.
矛盾的是,延长动物寿命的方法, 竟然是使其饥饿.
互联网Paradoxically, another glutamate - booster , D - cycloserine, is being tested not to enhance memory, but to abolish it.
矛盾的是, 另一种谷氨酸酯提升剂, D-cycloserine测验表明不能增强记忆, 反而是相反.
互联网The darkest thinkers may paradoxically be the most cheering.
互联网Paradoxically, he made use of the past in proportion as they rejected it.
说起来有点矛盾, 他却利用了他们所摈弃的过去,一分不多,一分不少.
辞典例句Paradoxically, it's their parents who make up a big percentage of the buyers.
相反, 倒是他们的父母构成了买房人的大多数.
互联网In this case, paradoxically, the real free - trade position is to impose tariffs.
在这种情况下, 真正的自由贸易立场是对中国轮胎征收关税 —— 这真是自相矛盾.
互联网He the dignity of a great master and the passion of genius paradoxically.
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