But all they had added was the trappings and panoply of applied science.
辞典例句The lakes were surrounded By a panoply of mountains.
互联网How could you possibly match wine to such a panoply of competing and powerful flavours?
你该如何尽你所能为这一桌风格如此浓重也如此冲突的丰盛美味搭配葡萄酒 呢 ?
互联网Description: The Yixian formation of China contains a panoply of exquisitely - preserved insects, vertebrates, and plants.
描述: 中国的义县组产出的化石种类精美绝伦,种类繁多,昆虫 、 脊椎动物, 还有植物.
互联网They were enriched with the wisdom of God and girded with the panoply of heaven.
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