Mr K ? hler seemed to be offering an economic justification, an affront to their instinctive pacifism.
克勒先生似乎为战争找了一个经济方面的理由, 但是明显触动了某些和平主义者的神经.
——期刊摘选He didn't hide his pacifism.
柯林斯例句Convert pagans to christianity; was converted to pacifism by the war.
使异教徒皈依基督教; 成为反战论者.
互联网They argue pacifism as an ideology is often too naive regardless of the reality.
期刊摘选Society of Friends ( commonly called Quakers ) was founded on the principles of simple living and pacifism.
公谊会 ( 俗称贵格会 ) 的创立是基于生活俭朴、爱好和平的教义.
期刊摘选However, Gandhi's pacifism can be separated to some extent from his other teachings.
不过, 甘地的和平主义可以在某种程度上与他的其它教导区分开来.
期刊摘选It bases its value orientation on pursuing peace, and worships pacifism.
它以追求和平为价值取向, 尊崇和平主义.
期刊摘选Pacifism , while a nice philosophy, doesn't make for the most dramatic action flick.
平和, 是一种不错的哲学观念, 但不适合最具戏剧性的动作电影.
期刊摘选One had only to mention the subject pacifism in the Colonel's presence, and he saw red.
有人在上校面前只提到反战主义这个题目, 他就大发脾气.
期刊摘选Many Tibetan and Burmese activists believe pacifism does not work.
期刊摘选Thus was Japan's pacifism born from the savagery of war.
期刊摘选That said, Germany is reluctantly shedding its merchant pacifism.
这表明, 德国正无可奈何地抛弃自己曾经信奉的商业和平主义.
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