Other organizations 非盈利组织;
You should see the OpenOffice. org icon in the Applications folder.
您应该在应用程序文件夹里看到OpenOffice. org图标.
互联网Note that AutoRecovery in OpenOffice. org overwrites the original file.
请注意,OpenOffice. org自动恢复的文件覆盖原始文件.
互联网See the uddi - org : relationships canonical tModel for more information on specifying relationships.
请参阅 uddi -org:relationships这个规范中定义的tModel以获得关联指定的更多信息.
互联网MobileActive . org offers free information about mobile - related tools and services.
org 提供有关移动工具和服务的免费信息.
互联网Hypocricy . org - Very funny satire site designed to skewer our Rulers. Hypocricy.
org - 非常有趣的讽刺网站旨在丳我们的统治者.
互联网And anyone be a micro lender through a site like Kiva. org.
通过诸如Kiva. org之类的网站,任何人都可以小额信贷的贷方.
互联网ID 3 operation on the code is written ID 3. org information.
关于ID3操作的代码是通过ID3. org的 资料写的.
互联网Make sure they accredited Tothat, to chea. org.
要登陆chea. org网站去确定这些学院是否已被认可.
互联网On the OpenOffice . org – Print dialog, look at the Printer warnings section near the bottom.
在OpenOffice. org–打印对话框中, 看一下底部的打印机的警告一节.
互联网All accredited schools and programs can be found on the CHEA Web site, chea. org.
所有经认证的学校和课程都可以在CHEA网站:chea. org上查找.
互联网In the 2.0 version of the specification, this value is required to be " urn: uddi - org : api _ v 2 ".
而在2.0版本的定义中, 这个值必须是 ” urn:uddi -org:api _v2 ”.
互联网The current issue of Ethical Consumer ( www. ethicalconsumer. org ) contains an in - depth review.
消费道德杂志(ethicalconsumer)最新一期 ( www. ethicalconsumer. org ) 有一篇深入分析.
互联网In Java 1.0 and Java 1.1 the domain extensions com, edu, org , net, etc.
在Java1.0和Java1.1中,域扩展名com, edu, org, net等都约定为大写形式.
互联网Most of these resources are available www . rotary . org.
互联网My involvement with the Sea Org wold remain peripheral.
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