Staphylococcus aureus and mixed opportunistic pathogens were the main bacteria on the air and objects.
互联网Conclusions Acanthamoeba is an opportunistic pathogenic free living amoeba which can produce fatal GAE.
——期刊摘选This corrupted loyalty is better described as complicity or opportunistic behavior.
——期刊摘选Candidiasis is a common mycosis, most of which is caused by the opportunistic fungal pathogen , albicans.
念珠菌病是一种常见的真菌病, 大多数是由念珠菌属中最常见的条件致病真菌白念珠菌引起.
互联网Subsequently, an emphasis on wing began secretly recruiting, opportunistic rebellion , was Du Shigetake Tsam escapement.
后来, 安重荣暗地里开始招兵买马, 伺机谋反, 被杜重威擒斩.
互联网When citrobacter presented pure cultivation or dominant growth, it can be confirmed as opportunistic enteritis.
当腹泻粪便培养有该菌呈纯培养或优势生长时, 可确定为条件致病菌引起的肠炎.
——期刊摘选Opportunistic infections disappeared after malariotherapy in one patient with full blown AIDS.
——期刊摘选The opposition , led by the mercurial and opportunistic Viktor Orban, is little better.
由雄辩的机会主义者 欧尔班·维克多 (ViktorOrban)领导的反对派也好不到哪去.
期刊摘选Being too slow is not good, nor is being overhasty, both are opportunistic.
太慢了不好, 太急了也不好, 太慢太急都是机会主义.
互联网AIDS, the last stage of HIV infection, is defined the appearance of potentially lethal opportunistic infections.
hiv病毒感染的最后阶段即爱滋病, 其定义就是出现有潜在致命可能的感染.
期刊摘选Once again , opportunistic Imperial warlords pounced.
期刊摘选The product include software guard system , this guard system has alarm system, which prevent opportunistic behaviors.
具备软件监视系统,钓鱼停机,并有警铃装置, 安全可靠.
期刊摘选Procurement section only lists opportunistic infection drugs without specifying which drugs.
期刊摘选These vacillating elements are opportunistic.
期刊摘选His move was characteristically opportunistic and had fatal consequences.
期刊摘选To probe the manifestations of opportunistic infections in AIDS patients to improve knowledge of AIDS.
期刊摘选In some instances, patients develop opportunistic infections during this early phase of infection.
在某些时候, 病人在感染初期会有机会感染的可能.
期刊摘选TB occurs earlier in the course of HIV infection than many other opportunistic infections.
期刊摘选an opportunistic infection
牛津高阶英汉双解词典The answer is a combination of consumer psychology and opportunistic retailers and card issuers.
期刊摘选Still, big money attracts opportunistic criminals.
尽管如此, 大资金吸引投机罪犯.
期刊摘选Many of the party's members joined only for opportunistic reasons.
柯林斯高阶英语词典When the level of the players is higher an opportunistic shot is not rational.
期刊摘选Vibrio vulnificus, a an opportunistic pathogen causing septicemia and wound infection in humans.
期刊摘选The modes of propaganda are opportunistic and the polemics can be vicious.
期刊摘选Recent reports have even suggested that he struck a secret deal with the opportunistic Mr Rajapakse.
期刊摘选Opportunistic, opportunistic in this respect bIt'space is done not have.
机会主义 、 投机取巧在这个方面一点空间都没有.
期刊摘选Schools come at this from an opportunistic basis, not necessarily taking the long view.
各家学校在机会主义驱使下来到这里, 未必有长远的考虑.
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