A modification of existing open - end techniques has been introduced that combines mechanical and air current operations.
互联网Unscrew body halves using open end or adjustable wrench on flats provided.
互联网Regular Envelopes, Windows Envelopes, Booklet Envelopes, Open End Envelopes, Remittance Envelopes, Clasp Envelopes.
方形信封,开窗信封, 小册子信封, 底部开口信封, 汇票信封, 带扣信封.
——期刊摘选Inert the boning, and finish the open end.
塞进羽骨, 封住两端.
互联网The open end of the pipe or equipment is sealed with a blind flange.
互联网Actully, there is much difference between open end fund and closed - end fund.
事实上, 由于机制的不同,封闭式基金同开放式基金的研究不可混淆.
互联网The two kinds are open end investment company and closed - end investment company.
这种公司分为两类,即开放型投资公司和 封闭型 投资公司.
互联网What's the difference between open - end and closed - end funds?
封闭型 基金与开放型基金之间有何差别?
互联网Therefore, the research on the alteration rules of the Open - end fund redemption seems extremely important.
所以, 研究开放式基金净赎回的变动规律及其对证券市场的影响便显得十分重要.
互联网Open - end fund is one of the most popular kinds in the fund market.
互联网This Company adopts the multilateral net clearance with respect to listed open - end fund.
互联网An increase of open - end funds purchase function.
互联网Credit cards are an example of open - end credit.
互联网The scope of application: all the company's open - end funds.
适用范围: 本公司旗下所有开放式基金.
互联网Break spinning and open - end spinning are synonymous.
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