object-oriented programming 面向对象的程序设计;out of pocket (expenses) 买不起(贵的);out of print (书籍等)绝版;
With Object Oriented Programming ( OOP ), MCM - Editor ? s modelshave been coded and debugged in Delphi 5 . O and Windows 98 operation system.
互联网The design methods of OOP and module realize the intelligentizement of the DCI.
期刊摘选The system was developed by idea of OOP, it guarantees modularization and maintainability the.
整个系统遵循面向对象的思想,各模块具有良好接口, 保证了系统的可维护性和可持续开发性.
互联网In this article, the usage of UPI and OOP ( Object Oriented Program ) is explored.
本文也探索了PSASP的用户程序接口UPI和 面向对象编程技术OOP ( ObjectOrientedProgram ) 在风力发电系统建模与仿真中的应用.
互联网Design some play for Tmac to ally oop.
互联网It uses the OOP technology and is easily expanded and maintained.
互联网Pennyworth only of beautiful Soup ? Beau -- ootiful Soo -- oop ! Beau -- ootiful Soo -- oop!
两 便士 一碗的好汤?
互联网However, this short discussion is no substitute for a more in - depth understanding of OOP.
当然这些简短的对于OOP基础的讨论不能替代对于OOP的 更加深入的了解.
互联网That is, it is wrong to think of OOP and GP as completely distinct paradigms.
也就是说, 认为OOP和GP水火不容的观点,是错误的.
互联网Create a analysis process model that unite the AOP and OOP.
互联网There are a number of books out on design and programming patterns in the OOP field.
设计和编程序型上OOP原野 里有相当数量到外边书.
互联网The polymorphism in OOP applies at run time to classes related by inheritance.
互联网OOP has become extremely popular because of its high programming productivity.
互联网The Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) is an industry standard in OOP.
UML( 统一建模语言 ) 是面向对象建模领域的工业标准.
互联网And prototype - delegate is also one of the object abstraction, code - sharing protocols in OOP.
而原型 - 委托也是OOP中的对象抽象, 代码共享机制中的一种.
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