Connecter that splits into three branches, showing a one to - many relationship.
拆分为三个分支的连接线, 表示一对多关系.
互联网This paper proposed a one - to - many negotiation model with two - phase type.
互联网Explains how to programmatically return related records in a typed dataset with tables in one - to - many relationship.
互联网The documents include, HIBERNATE configuration, the one - to - many. many - to - many . another is usually more of its own operations.
更不用说了,我培训期间的资料,包括每天老师的例子.文件主要包括, HIBERNATE的 配置, 一对多, 多对多. 别的就是些平时的自己作业.
互联网This formula is useful to me, I to be also one to many persons useful.
这公式对我有用, 我想对许多人也是一样有用.
互联网The Observer Pattern defines a one to - many relationship between objects.
互联网Multicast : Packets are delivered to all identified the address. This is also called a one - to - many address.
本地唯一地址: 这些地址也是专门用于 非 路由目的的,但它们几乎是全球唯一的,因此,这些地址是不太可能会重叠的.
互联网A one to many relationship is necessary in order to create a sublist.
互联网To create a sublist, the recordsets must have a one - to - many relationship.
如要创建子列表, 记录集必须有一对多的关系.
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