At one level, the hand - wringing is overdone.
在某种程度上, 极度悲观大可不必.
互联网The hierarchy of menus has been flattened down until it is only one level deep.
About Face 3交互设计精髓This repeats the full tracing information for the argument macro expansion, only indented by one level.
对参数的宏展开重复完整的跟踪信息, 只是缩入一级.
期刊摘选On one level it was highly technical, beyond the ken of most laymen.
从某种意义上说,这个问题具有高度技术性, 是多数门外汉无法搞懂的.
辞典例句Also, like most great stories, it can be read on more than one level of meaning.
另外, 和极大多数巨著一样,海明威的这篇小说读起来可有不止一层的意思.
互联网His speciality is a badminton, is an one - level badminton athlete at present.
他的特长是羽毛球, 目前是一级羽毛球运动员.
互联网This system is more effective than our previous one - level system.
这种模式的导师制具有学风建设、风建设、识整理、 性 发展、异创新、想情感、育管理等实践功能.
互联网On one level, Mr Putin must be relieved.
在某种程度上, 普京并不担心.
互联网When there is money enough to satisfy one level of needs, another level appears.
当金钱满足了这一层次的欲望后, 更高一层次的欲望又将出现.
互联网On one level, this reaction was ridiculous.
就某个层面而言, 这种反应是荒谬的.
互联网At one level this is not surprising.
互联网At one level , he says, the decision was logical.
他说,在某种程度上, 这个决定是合乎逻辑的.
互联网At one level, they sound like rules -- do this, don't do that.
在某些方面看来, 他们听起来就像一堆规则, 要做这个, 不要做那个.
互联网Add one level ( ie not heaped ) tablespoon of sugar.
互联网I guess at one level, the things that are still good end up standing out.
我认为,在某种程度上, 那些仍然优秀的作品不再显得突出.
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