OLAP and its implement are adopted in the data mining of radar clutter data warehouse.
互联网Therefore, report service is an essential feature when applying OLAP technology to an enterprise or organization.
从OLAP环境 下面对企业用户提供报表服务则是OLAP系统的必备功能之一.
互联网In this paper, we introduce firstly the concept of BI, Data Warehouse and OLAP.
本文首先介绍了商业智能 、 数据仓库和OLAP技术的相关概念.
互联网Representing in the interfaces of final OLAP result, both reports and charts be selected.
在最终的OLAP结果展现界面中, 可以以报表、图表等多种方式来显示最终结果.
互联网An OLAP system typically adopts either a star or snowflake model, and a subject - oriented database design.
互联网Realizes to visit OLAP analysis model from client.
互联网NET and establish database model picture by OLAP tools.
互联网Finally, three main applications of data warehouse are depicted in detail.
互联网Method The - end display tool of OLAP is applied tosetup of the database.
互联网How to improve the performance of joining and aggregation is a key problem for query processing.
互联网Because of their huge volume, OLAP data are stored on multiple storage media.
由于数据量巨大, OLAP数据也存放在多个存储介质上.
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