<音>八度音( octave的名词复数 );八度音阶;高八度音;八度和音;
Nearly two octaves below the initial pitch , the piano makes several crescendo efforts to rise again.
在比开始的基调几乎低了两个八度的地方, 钢琴以几个渐强音再次出现.
——期刊摘选If the note of D is sounded on a harp, all the corresponding D strings of other octaves will likewise resonate.
——柯林斯例句Its range is generally five octaves and three - eighths.
互联网It has a wide range of more than four octaves.
互联网Matter dissolves into octaves of Light and it is from this Light that all is created.
互联网Exactly how many octaves you add together is entirely up to you.
互联网Love requires all octaves of vibration to be embraced.
互联网The zheng has a five - note scale, with its musical range reaching four octaves.
按五声音阶定音, 音域可达4个八度.
互联网Its range is two and a half octaves.
互联网We now wish to into the new octaves of love that have been anchored on Earth.
互联网The range is normally five octaves, and sometimes four in special cases.
一般以五度定弦, 为特殊用途,也可用四度定弦.
互联网It has a deep range beginning about three octaves below middle C.
互联网In music, octaves also have this property.
在音乐上, 倍频也有着这项属性.
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