Ocelot: You're going to nuke your fellow Russians!
Ocelot: 难道你要用核弹攻击你的同胞?
期刊摘选Ocelot: That's right. There'll be no accidents this time.
Ocelot: 没错, 这次不会再有什么意外了.
互联网Ocelot : Damn! He found us!
见鬼! 他发现我们了!
互联网Ocelot: You were lucky. We'll meet again! ( the same line from MGS 1 )
Ocelot: 算你走运, 我们还会再见面的! ( 跟MGS1一样的台词 )
互联网Ocelot: Colonel! Even if they are our enemies, they're still our countrymen!
上校! 即使他们是敌人, 但毕竟还是我们的同胞 啊 !
互联网Ocelot : I've been waiting for this moment.
Ocelot: 我一直在等着这一刻.
互联网Ocelot: What is that stance? That gun?
那是什么姿势? 看那只枪.
互联网Ocelot : Hold it right there , traitor. Let's find out just how lucky you are.
Ocelot:站着被动, 叛徒. 让我们来看看你运气如何.
互联网Ocelot : Hold it right there, traitor.
Ocelot:站着被动, 叛徒.
互联网Ocelot: Watch closely . ( takes out three revolvers )
Ocelot: 看清楚了. ( 手里总共三把左轮 )
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