The matter of the body is continually changing by process of nutriment and wastage.
辞典例句It is ridiculous to judge a foreign culture only by its nutriment.
互联网Physical and chemical index and the compose of nutriment were analyzed.
互联网Eskimos use refrigerators to hold nutriment from freezing.
互联网Bread and butter is theirs daily nutriment.
互联网Advertisements say that the nutriment is free of any unhealthy elements, like fat or cholesterol.
互联网The nutriment value of dietary fiber is also influenced by enviornmental temperature that single - stomache animal grows.
互联网The effect of enzymes on the nutriment, stability, colour and flavor of the juices was discussed.
讨论了酶技术对果菜汁饮料稳定性 、 营养成分 、 色泽和风味的影响.
互联网As them were Very abundance hungry, them ate up all the nutriment Very abundance soon.
因该饿极了, 她们很快就吃光了所有的吃的东西.
互联网Objeotive: This paper reports quantitative determination of trace elements in nutriment by AES.
目的: 用原子发谢光谱分析法(AES)检测营养品中的微量元素.
互联网Besides, I've seeing IT eat a lot of junk nutriment those bad for digestion.
此外, 我还见她吃很多不利于消化的Junk食品.
互联网Soon tITedespite the first man prayed for a abode, clothes and abundance nutriment.
不久,NO· 1独立个体又祈求得到一间屋子 、 衣服和更多的吃的东西.
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