In this paper, some deficiencies in IAU nutation theory are discussed.
互联网People who have nutation this mutation need less sleep than other'sothers.
互联网The international research progress of the non - rigid Earth nutation is reviewed briefly.
对目前国际上有关 非 刚体地球章动研究的进展作了简要回顾.
互联网In this paper, some deficiencies in nutation theory are discussed.
互联网J 2 perturbation makes the relative orbit drift in the in track direction , nutation or procession.
J2摄动对相对轨道的影响分为相对轨道构形的漂移 、 相对轨道平面的章动和进动.
互联网A parameter design method of nutation cross - feedback control is investigated.
互联网This person says: " Do nutation only later and lie, not more was saved? "
这人便说: “ 以后只做垂头而卧的, 不就更省了 吗 ? ”
互联网But keep at in mind that the scientists say this nutation mutated gene may be rare.
互联网People who have this nutation mutation need less sleep than others.
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