教养,培育( nurture的名词复数 );
养育( nurture的第三人称单数 );培育;滋长;助长;
The compassion of water bathes and nurtures all sentient beings . The justice of water purges defilement.
水的仁慈能沐浴众生,可以泽及万物; 水的义气能扬清激浊,可以荡涤污垢.
互联网Taking a step back to accommodate others refines our character and nurtures spiritual growth.
互联网She helps, protects, listens, advises and nurtures physically and morally.
她帮助 、 保护 、 倾听 、 忠告及培育著我们的身、心、灵.
互联网Natural gift nurtures and nourishes the enthusiastic, honest, highly efficient and pragmatic Xiuzhou people.
物华天宝的自然秉赋造就了热情 、 诚信 、 高效、务实的秀洲人.
互联网Music nurtures a child's cognitive, emotional, social, language and physical development.
音乐能促进孩子认知 、 情感 、 社交 、 语言及身体之发展.
互联网Teacher is the gardening teacher, nurtures surely seedling to grow healthy and strong.
老师是园艺师, 哺育千万棵幼苗茁壮成长.
互联网Broccoli and cauliflower are among the most nurtures nutritious vegetables.
互联网Who first loves and nurtures us and takes care of every need.
互联网A network nurtures small failures in order that large failures don't happen as often.
互联网What a kind of pig, thepig, nurtures the pig?
什么是种猪, 生猪, 育肥猪?
互联网Yi River nurtures Yimeng people and draws marvelous sight on the earth.
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