It also analyses the change characteristics of Re, Pr and Nu numbers.
并且分析了其Re 、 Pr和Nu数的变化特性.
互联网Plus l'amour est nu , moins il a froid.
互联网Nu Wa's five children decided to become a mascot of the Olympics.
互联网Fe nu pa ki ad urba . She has just gone to town.
互联网Moreover, the Jingang nu mu as a special aesthetic image awakens people's sense of vitality.
进一步, 作为特殊审美形态的金刚怒目则能够唤醒人的生命力感.
互联网People in a sea of nu temple ( built in hebei shanhaiguan ).
人们在其投海之处修建了孟姜女庙 ( 在今河北山海关 ).
互联网Li Ji was appointed as general for his betrayal of Lu Nu.
互联网Nu Lu Shuixian state jurisdiction, Fugong County, Lanping County and Gongshan Dulong and Nu Autonomous County.
怒江州辖泸水县 、 福贡县 、 兰坪县和贡山独龙族、怒族自治县.
互联网At 14 years of age, A Nu is the youngest of the four main characters.
在14岁以下, 阿怒族是最年轻的四个主要特征.
互联网According to ancient Chinese legends, the goddess Nu wa created human beings.
根据古老的中国传说, 女娲创造了人类.
互联网Nu Wa felt sorrowful at all these happenings and decided to repair the sky.
互联网Fe nu ki ad urba . She is now going to town.
互联网Unflux t é nu que les ing é nieurs contr ? lent .
互联网You've had a good nights sleep, but body's way tired nu just draw theback to bed?
你和一堆无聊的人嘻嘻哈哈,虚与委蛇,但是心早就不在那里了;你明明睡得很好, 但就是全身疲惫只想裹着被子大睡一场.
互联网Nu : tiepeng production, sale, rare earth products sales.
钕铁硼生产 、 销售, 稀土产品销售.
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