Tolectin is the trade name for this nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drug.
托美汀是一种非固醇 抗炎 药的商标名.
互联网Orudis and Oruvail are trademarks of brands of this nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drug.
Orudis和Oruvail是非固醇 抗炎 药物的商标.
互联网Cataflam is the trade name of this nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drug.
Cataflam是非固醇 抗炎 药的一种商标名称.
互联网Clinoril is the trade name for this nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drug.
Clinoril是一种非固醇 抗炎 药的商标名.
互联网Feldene is a trade name for this nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drug.
Feldene是一种非固醇 抗炎 药的商标名.
互联网Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs appear to delay fracture healing and bone ingrowth although these effects are reversible.
互联网Indocin is the trade name of this nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drug.
氯苯基甲氧基甲基吲哚乙酸是一种非固醇 抗炎 药物的商标名称.
互联网Relafen is the trade name of this nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drug.
Relafen是非固醇 抗炎 药的一种商标名.
互联网Nalfon is the trademark of a brand of this nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drug.
Nalfon是 抗炎 药物的商标的牌子.
互联网OBJECTIVE To synthesize the presumable bone - targeting nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory agents.
目的合成可能具有骨靶向性的非甾体 抗炎 药.
互联网Osteophytes and osteoarthritis progression . Effects of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs.
互联网Lodine is the trade name of this nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drug.
Lodine是一种 抗炎 药物的商标名称.
互联网Dolibid is a trade name for this nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory .
Dolibid是 抗炎 药物的商标名称.
互联网Naprosyn is the trademark of a brand of this nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drug.
甲氧基甲基萘乙酸是非固醇 抗炎 药的一种商标名.
互联网Voltaren is the trade name of the nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drug that is administered only orally.
Voltaren是口服非固醇 抗炎 药的商标名.
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