The nonessential amino acids were markedly reduced.
辞典例句Cancels the nonessential additional tax and the extra charge.
互联网If your expenses exceed your income, you'll need to cut back on nonessential items.
如果你的支出大于你的收入, 你需要在非基本支出中取消几项.
——期刊摘选Exclude all nonessential personnel from the farm . Visitors shower prior to entering the unit.
排除猪场中所有的非必需人员, 来访者必须淋浴后才能进入场内.
互联网Once discovers has the breakdown, must remove immediately, avoid has the accident, causes the nonessential losses.
一旦发现有故障, 必须立即排除, 以免发生事故, 造成不必要的损失.
互联网Among the relations between student, teacher and president, the student is and the president is nonessential.
在学生、教师与校长的关系中,学生为本之本,校长乃末之末;若论人 、 经济与政治,人为本之本, 政治乃末之末.
互联网Throw out nonessential numbers . This includes age, weght , and weight.
别理会那些不重要的数字, 这包括年龄 、 体重和身高.
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