Traditionally, lac coating, alkyd varnish, nitro - varnish, acrylic coating are used.
传统上采用的仿釉涂料有虫胶漆 、 醇酸清漆 、 硝基漆 、 丙烯酸漆等.
互联网The assymmetrical nitro - porphyrin was synthesized by the Adler method with low yield.
互联网Nitramines are substances which contain a nitro group bonded to nitrogen.
辞典例句Synthesis ofp - nitro - ethyl benzoate with benzene sulfonic acid as catalyst is reported.
互联网The method for the determination of 2 - nitro - dimethyl - terephthalic by GC in this paper.
摘要研究了 2- 硝基对苯二甲酸二甲酯的气相色谱测定方法.
互联网Ozone is formed in the reaction, and a nitro derivative of the olefin.
辞典例句Up to 96 % ee was achieved with 4 - nitro - chalcone as enone substrate.
以 4- 硝基查耳酮为原料的反应,其产物可获得最高达96%ee值.
互联网The nitro oxidizer can bring about deals of NO X waste gases.
互联网Tetrazolium nitro - paper basket method: filter paper was still red or blue lilacinus.
硝基四氮唑篮纸片法: 滤纸片呈淡紫蓝色或仍为红色.
互联网Complete transformation of the nitro group to chloropicrin takes place in the reaction.
辞典例句This section describes overall NITRO library construction , and an overview of the NITRO - System Library .
这部分描述全面的 NITRO 库, 浏览全部的库.
互联网Such as, Analyses Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Nitro - Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Aflatoxins and organic pollutants.
例如在分析多核芳香烃 、 硝基—多核芳香烃、多氯联苯 、 黄曲霉毒素等有机污染物方面.
互联网The mechanisms thermal decomposition of 5 - nitro - 1 - hydrogen - tetrazole are studied by density function theory.
利用密度泛函理论研究了 5- 硝基 -1- 氢 - 四唑分子热分解的反应机理.
互联网I mentioned the Mont Nitro bags in the main Sleeping Bag section.
互联网The effect of reaction parameters on the nitro benzene conversion and product composition has been studied.
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