Nirvana is definitely no annihilation of self, because there is no self to annihilate.
涅盘绝对没有自我消灭的意思, 因为没有自我可以消灭.
——期刊摘选Many businessmen think that a world where relative prices never varied would be nirvana.
——柯林斯例句"Nirvana" squared the circle by making a record that was both superb pop and rock music at the same time.
——柯林斯例句Realization of the goal of Yoga is known as moksha, nirvana and samadhi.
实现瑜伽的目标被认为是莫克萨(解脱), 涅磐和三摩地.
互联网South Buddhists believe that Buddha Sakyamuni was born, Road, in this Nirvana, which, as the Buddha.
南传佛教认为,佛陀释迦牟尼诞生 、 成道 、 涅盘都在这一日, 因而定为佛陀日.
期刊摘选Entering the realm of Nirvana is only possible for those who have become pure.
柯林斯高阶英语词典This message has been edited by Nirvana ( edited 17 January 2002 ) .
但最重要的是有个好编辑,不能 误人子弟.我好象还不具备这个条件. 怎么半?
期刊摘选When attained nirvana his head in his right hand.
期刊摘选When the Five Aggregates are extinguished completely. final, or complete nirvana is reached.
期刊摘选Should one renounce Nirvana oneself, in order to help others towards it first?
人应该放弃自己的涅磐, 为了首先帮助它人达到它?
期刊摘选Nirvana was formed in the late 1980 s.
期刊摘选It was said that Sakyamuni had lectured his disciples on Nirvana Sutra before his own nirvana.
期刊摘选Both 4 G technologies promise wireless nirvana: fast, ubiquitous broadband.
两种4G技术都许诺无线天堂: 快速, 无处不在的宽带.
期刊摘选It is incorrect to say that Nirvana is negative or positive.
期刊摘选That is God, That is Truth, That is Reality, the Divine Person , Nirvana, the One.
它是神, 真理, 实在, 神圣人格,涅盘, 那一位.
期刊摘选He has gone over the hill in search of nirvana.
期刊摘选Rooted in Nirvana is the religious life. Nirvana is its Goal. Nirvana is the end.
圣道之根在涅磐. 涅磐为其目标.涅磐是其终点.
期刊摘选The meeting with Gregory Pincus nirvana for my grandmother.
期刊摘选The Buddhism yearns for vimukta, and goes after nirvana realm.
佛家崇尚解脱, 追求涅磐境界.
期刊摘选By putting the seven great nails on the narrow paths of samsara and nirvana.
期刊摘选The earthly world can not live without music and dance, neither can the nirvana.
期刊摘选There is no such things as'entering into Nirvana after death '.
根本就没有“死后进入涅盘 ” 这样的事情.
期刊摘选Buddha said: Phoenix Nirvana, ashes and that Phoenix is the aggressive and tenacious, right?
佛说: “凤凰涅盘,浴火重生”, 那凤凰该是凶悍而顽强的灵兽吧?
期刊摘选Every human being possesses an inner Nirvana allall realities, and all phenomena.
人人心中本来具有[自性涅盘], 含藏万有,具足一切法.
期刊摘选What constitutes the Path to Awakening and Nirvana?
期刊摘选I come up with Nirvana because of how Python has become popular in spite of itself.
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