not invented here 排他性;
We will re - examine the NIH guidelines at least once a year.
辞典例句NIH is processing grant applications according to the guidelines.
辞典例句The NIH 3 T 3 infected rGFP - AAV expressed significantly GFP fluorescence, which showed that rGFP - AAV was infectious virions.
感染了重组 GFP -AAV的大鼠NIH3T3细胞表达了明显的GFP荧光.
互联网The overlap area of PNA - BMs and S - 100 was measured with NIH image technique.
使用NIH图像分析技术,定量测定PNA-BMs与S -100 的重叠面积.
互联网The density of PCR and RPA bands was determined by using NIH image software.
互联网Still, many AIDS specialists had been awaiting the NIH s results as a final confirmation.
互联网Methods BMGNeo - IFN - a DNA was transferred into NIH 3 T 3 fibroblasts by the liposome method.
方法将人IFN- a基因 体外转染成纤维细胞NIH3T3中,获得一株高分泌IFN- a的 细胞克隆株NIH3T3 - IFN - a+.
互联网The experts said ( at ) NIH say you may have to repeat this process a few times.
NIH 的专家们说你必须重复这个过程几次.
互联网The development toxicity of arsenic on NIH mice was studied with Chernoff - Kaviock test.
本实验选用NIH种小白鼠,应用Chernoff -Kavlock 试验,初步观察了砷的发育毒性.
互联网There are many links with related information at the NIH website.
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