National Graphical Association <英>全国印刷协会;网络游戏魔兽世界最大的中文网站艾泽拉斯国家地理英文名称 National Geographic of Azeroth 的简写;
NGA was labeled directly with Na 99 mTcO 4. The radiochemical purity of 99 mTc - NGA was over 90 %.
用直接法制备99mTc - NGA, 其放化纯大于90%,且室温下可稳定6h以上,符合显像要求.
互联网The result demonstrates that NGA is better than the traditional GA in training neural networks.
互联网Nga Man is making steady progress academically.
互联网A novel global optimal method - numeric genetic algorithm ( NGA ) is proposed in this paper.
提出了一种新的全局优化方法 ─ ─数值 遗传 算法.
互联网FCM can display soundly the characteristic of the receptor ligand combination between ASGPR and FITC NGA.
互联网Numeric genetic algorithm ( NGA ) is an optimization technique for locating the global optimun.
数值 遗传 算法是全局优化方法.
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