Hemmings is enjoying a newfound popularity as a character actor in the movies.
——柯林斯例句Scherza said, looking up to the dragon with a newfound respect.
丝屈哲说着, 一边用一种全新的眼光抬头看着红龙.
——期刊摘选For a species considered near threatened , however , this newfound popularity could literally be a lifesaver.
作为一种濒危物种, 这样的情况被视作一种拯救.
期刊摘选Labrador Retriever originated on the cold reaches of newfound.
互联网China's newfound passion for Italian opera carries a touch of the nouveau riche.
期刊摘选On one occasion, in 1535 , an English ship arrived in Newfound - land with its crew desperately ill.
有一次, 在1535年, 英文船舶抵达纽芬兰岛,船员拼命虐待.
互联网But core samples from the newfound lake reveal a rich microbial life around its periphery.
互联网Satisfied by this newfound mental silence, I got to work.
满足于这新发现得金属的安静, 我去工作了.
互联网She savored her newfound freedom.
柯林斯例句During this time of global economic crisis, the venerable Karl Marx is enjoying newfound popularity.
在全球经济危机时期, 德高望重的卡尔·马克思再一次变得为人所知了.
互联网With the promise of newfound powers, Sidious dispatched Vader to destroy the Jedi Temple.
互联网At first Bruce uses his newfound powers for selfish reasons.
互联网Hudson pointed his ship down the coast of the newfound sea.
互联网But despite his newfound Christianity, it was not an easy transition.
可是尽管他信奉了基督教, 转变并非轻而易举.
互联网My barber, with his newfound affluence , had hired an attractive woman for this position.
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