Clinical neurological function wad assessed with combined behavioral score ( CBS ).
应用联合行为评分 ( Combinedbehavioral score,CBS ) 评价脊髓神经运动功能.
互联网Many puppies die of Distemper and others are left with neurological problems.
互联网From them I heard about transplants, neurological impediments, cancer, and post - surgery complications.
从他们那里我听说了有关移植 、 神经障碍 、 癌症以及术后并发症的事情.
互联网Determine client's neurological status, including level of consciousness ( LOC ).
评估病人循环系统状况, 包括 心尖 搏动、 心电图 和外周脉搏.
互联网In this study authors confirmed that preoperative neurological status impacts perioperative morbidity.
互联网Conclusion TCS ~ , s diagnosis includes lumbar - sacral malformations, spinal neurological impairment, typical MIR findings.
结论脊髓栓系综合征的诊断主要依据腰骶部的畸形 、 脊髓神经功能损害和典型脊髓MIR表现.
互联网Sc ? NTFs could improve neurological outcome after traumatic spinal cord injury in rats.
互联网The results were analyzed with basal clinical conditions and neurological function outcomes.
互联网Aim : To measure quantitatively limbs tremor with neurological disease.
目的: 定量分析神经科患者肢体震颤.
互联网The rate of neurological complications increased by Spetzler - Martin grade.
互联网These symptoms may last several weeks, and neurological 1 effects may be permanent.
这些症状可能持续几个星期, 对神经系统的影响可能是永久性的.
互联网Other beta - amyloids are implicated in neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
其他β - 淀粉样蛋白多与神经系统疾病如阿尔茨海默症和帕金森症发病有关.
互联网Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics of 26 cases paraneoplastic neurological syndrome.
互联网Injury of the cervical spine may cause serious complications and neurological sequelae.
互联网There are also serious neurological complications.
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