Mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy ( BSE ), is a chronic , transmissible, fatal neurodegenerative disorder disease in cattle.
疯牛病(madcow disease), 即牛传染性海绵状脑病 ( bovinetransmissible spongiformencephalopathy,BSE ) 的俗称, 是一种慢性消耗性 、 致死性、中枢神经系统退行性疾病.
互联网Leigh syndrome is a severe early - onset progressive neurodegenerative disorder due to mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation defects.
互联网In this review , we discussed the relationship between NTFs and neurodegenerative diseases especially AD and PD.
因此, 本文主要讨论NTFs与神经元退行性变疾病特别是AD和PD之间的关系.
互联网This power of prediction might allow doctors to diagnose neurodegenerative disorders like's or Alzheimer's disease earlier.
互联网The neurodegenerative disorder Alzheimer's disease is becoming more prevalent in ageing populations worldwide.
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