non est inventus (Latin=it is not found) (拉丁语)尚未找到;noise equivalent input 等量噪声输入;not elsewhere included 别处未包括的;not elsewhere indicated 在别处无说明的;
Nei - ther does he like to cook up gossip to get attention.
互联网Professor Si Nei Pu still once a while looked for Harley's trouble.
互联网Nei jing said " All five - zang organs and six - fu organs lead to cough, not only lung "
摘要《内经》提出 “ 五脏六腑皆令人咳, 非独肺也 ”
互联网Nei jing - zang organs and - fu organs lead to cough, not only lung.
《内经》提出“五脏六腑皆令人咳, 非独肺也”.
互联网Altogether plays Qu Nei extremely evil is the song which the god chi in satirizes.
互联网Nei larger than 5 millimeters are congenital nei and are most probably associated with genetic predisposition.
互联网Nei sogni miei i giochi volano Oh oh oh oh.
互联网The effort , explains Dave Egner of NEI, will help attract and nurture human capital.
互联网May that the Nei Jiang City motorcycle traffic permit returns back handle again or not?
互联网The thoughts come from Changes > , Nei Jing >, baziyixiang sway of thinking.
这个思想来自于《周易》 、 《内经》八字易象等的易象思维方式.
互联网I dye my hair black and cut the fringe short nei ~!
互联网NEI theory and the theory of Channel Tropism.
互联网Distribution: Wong Nei Chung Gap, Lantau Island. Guangdong ( Zhuhai ).
地理分布: 黄泥涌峡 、 大屿山. 广东 ( 珠海 ).
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