谈判,协商,议定( negotiate的第三人称单数 );兑现(支票等);通过,越过(险要路段);
Huifeng welcomes old and new customers cooperation, negotiates wholeheartedly!
新力竭诚欢迎新老客户合作 、 洽谈!
互联网Frank Mariano negotiates the desert terrain in his battered pickup.
——柯林斯例句Circumjacent environment is good, workshop is located in traffic to facilitate! negotiates seek advice!
周围环境杰出, 厂房位置在交通很便利! 迎联系商询问!
互联网It is the only international organization that negotiates trade rules.
互联网The school board will make a better pay offer before the teacher's union negotiates.
互联网Negotiates delivery and tracking.
互联网Because the case still is among lawsuit, negotiates detail.
由于案件还在诉讼当中, 不便讲细节.
互联网Effectively negotiates and communicates customer and outside the organization.
互联网Negotiates with travel tour operators, and other customers as designated by the Director of Sales.
与旅行社 、 订房中心及其它被总监指定的客户洽谈.
互联网The author participated in a few times manufacture business negotiates , encounter cheater one after another actually.
由于加入世贸组织的缘故,许多企业都在抓出口.笔者参与了几次出品业务谈判, 竟然接连遇到骗子.
互联网The Project Manager negotiates any necessary changes in project commitments with affected stakeholders.
互联网When the right products are found the retail buyer negotiates a purchase contract.
互联网The company negotiates very keen prices with their suppliers.
柯林斯例句A rescue worker negotiates a path through the rubble to an injured woman.
互联网It negotiates and defines the transport topology with the transport subsystem.
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