According to the adsorption effect, nano - size Ag _ 3 Sn particles formed on the IMC surface.
由于吸附作用, 金属间化合物表面形成了纳米级的Ag3Sn颗粒.
互联网Better mechanical properties can be achieved by using nano - CaCO 3 combined with ACR.
将nano-CaCO_3与ACR抗冲 改性剂配合使用能使PVC具有 较高的力学性能.
互联网Research of the nano carbon black cement mortar electrical and electrothermal properties.
互联网The series are made with the Nano Encapsulation technology.
互联网Solution: fine - tune gripper teeth pad with Nano - imprint lithography drum edge.
处置办法: 澈底调不静递纸牙牙垫同压印滚筒外的隔断.
互联网In ACB + Nano - HAC group, ACB still presented membranous bone formation and did not promote the osteogenesis of Nano - HAC .
ACB+Nano - HAC组为ACB和Nano - HAC单独 植入表现,无相互促进作用.
互联网The current research conditions of nano materials as lubricant additive were reviewed.
期刊摘选High - modulus polypropylene compound was developed by means adding nano - meter montmorillonite to polypropylene.
互联网The nano - pores prong the sample and are parallel to others.
纳米 孔洞是贯穿整个样品厚度的平行孔.
互联网Nano - Ni was first used as catalyst for disproportionation of resin acid.
将 纳米 镍催化剂首次应用于树脂酸的歧化反应中.
互联网NM nano super flexible waterproofing paint manufacturing and marketing.
互联网Energy performance and thermal behavior of different nano - aluminum powders were investigated.
考察了不同类型 纳米 铝粉的能量性能及热氧化特性.
互联网It is combined with nano - technique, light - purge technique, catalyzation, pharmaceutics and biochemistry.
它是融 纳米 技术 、 光技术净化、触酶(催化) 、 药学技术、生物化学为一体的新技术 、 新方法.
互联网The preparation method of nano - scale basic zinc carbonate was studied.
探讨了 纳米 碱式碳酸锌的制备方法.
互联网That will , at least , shorten the traffic jams to which the nano will contribute.
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