Can you help me the anamnesis of myositis of some of a heart?
可以帮我些一份心肌炎的病历 吗 ?
互联网Result: only 1 case occurred the elbow myositis ossificans in the next one year observing.
结果: 128例肘部关节脱位、骨折在1年随访期内,仅出现骨位性炎病例1例.
互联网To analyze the imaging features of myositis ossificans and improve the diagnostic rate.
互联网Objective : To investigate the clinical and pathological features of inclusion body myositis ( IBM ).
目的探讨包涵体肌炎 ( IBM ) 的临床表现与病理特点.
互联网Objective To further discuss the diagnostic criteria for characterize of inclusion body myositis ( IBM ).
目的探讨包涵体肌炎的诊断标准.方法分析了11例包涵体 肌 炎 病人的临床表现、组织化学.
互联网Heart myositis and lobar anxiety patient are sensitive to strong heart glucoside, should notice dosage.
心肌炎及肺心病患者对强心甙敏感, 应注意用量.
互联网Objective : To analyze the clinical characteristics and surgical treatment of myositis ossificans adjacent to joint.
目的: 探索邻关节骨化性肌炎形成的临床特点.
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