Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia.
柯林斯例句Is school born to spend myopia gently to take glasses?
初中生轻度近视带眼镜好 吗 ?
——期刊摘选Offer adjutant therapy to accommodative myopia, insomnia, and dark eye sockets and help eliminate fatigue.
对调节性近视、消除疲劳 、 失眠 、 黑眼圈等有辅助治疗作用.
——期刊摘选The oscillatory potentials can be used as one of the functional evaluation of high myopia.
——期刊摘选How is resolution true myopia or false myopia?
——期刊摘选With the ripeness of myopia therapy, the hyperopia therapy becomes the focus.
随着近视治疗的日臻成熟, 远视治疗越来越成为人们关注的焦点.
——期刊摘选Myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism are all caused by an imperfectly shaped eyeball, cornea, or lens.
近视 、 远视及散光都是由于眼球 、 角膜或水晶体变形引起的.
——期刊摘选The excimer laser refractive surgical instrument can be used to correct myopia, hyperopia astigmatism diopter.
摘要准分子激光眼科治疗机可以用来进行近视 、 远视、散光等屈光不正的矫正手术.
——期刊摘选Finish is meeting myopia returned later after operation of resect crystalline lens?
做完割除晶状体手术后以后还会近视 吗 ?
——期刊摘选Can good eyesight eye treat long sight and myopia?
好视力眼睛能治远视和近视 吗 ?
——期刊摘选High school student everyday can Morpheus inadequacy bring about eye myopia?
中学生每天都睡眠不足会导致眼睛近视 吗 ?
——期刊摘选How is just knowing oneself are true myopia still false recent?
——期刊摘选Indications: Cataract, Conjunctivitis, Myopia, Presbyopia , Eye sight degeneration and other eye disease.
适应症: 白内障 、 结膜炎、视力不足 、 近视 、 老花眼、视力减退及眼部疾病.
——期刊摘选Excuse me whether has somebody done laser to treat myopia operation?
——期刊摘选Is acupuncture cure done to you can treat myopia on ear?
在耳朵上做针灸治疗可以治近视眼 吗 ?
——期刊摘选In some countries, fiscal myopia was concealed by impenetrable accounting practices.
在一些国家, 令人费解的会计实践掩盖了财政上的短视行为.
——期刊摘选To investigate the preoperative risk factors for night glare after LASIK for high myopia.
——期刊摘选How can you distinguish pseudomyopia and true sex myopia?
——期刊摘选Doesn't pupil eye myopia have method to cure?
小学生眼睛近视没办法治好 吗 ?
——期刊摘选It is good that eye myopia becomes laser operation?
眼睛近视做激光手术好 么 ?
——期刊摘选Say accurate element operation can treat myopia all the time? True?
一直说准分子手术能治近视? 真的?
——期刊摘选The product concept also can lead to marketing myopia.
——期刊摘选Are you aware that many researchers are convinced that prolonged close work causes myopia?
你认为,许多研究员确信长期近距离工作引起近视 吗 ?
——期刊摘选What sequela can myopia of treatment of accurate element laser have?
——期刊摘选Does eye myopia do operation good ·?
——期刊摘选Genes may be involved in behavior as well as the ocular mechanisms of myopia.
——期刊摘选Is laser surgery eradicative in spend myopia? Have sequela?
激光手术能根除中度近视 吗 ?有没有后遗症?
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