MORAL , adj . Conforming to a local and mutable standard of right.
互联网Gemini a Mutable Sign and Libra a Cardinal Sign.
互联网It is also possible to create tuples which contain mutable objects, such as lists.
也可以通过包含可变对象来创建元组, 例如链表.
互联网Note : great care must be exercised if mutable objects are as map keys.
互联网Beating remorseful and loud the mutable sands of the sea - shore.
互联网The air element of gemini brings communication, intellect and speed. your mutable motivation brings adaptability.
风向星座的特质让双子座具有出色的沟通能力 、 智慧和速度.同时,你的多变让你更善于适应.
互联网Remember what you should remember, forget what you should forget, alter what is changeable , accept what is mutable.
记住该记住的, 忘记该忘记的, 改变可以改变的, 接受变幻无常的.
互联网Extremely mutable sites are called'hot spots '.
极端可突变的位置称为 “ 热点 ”.
辞典例句This makes it almost impossible to share mutable state between actors ( threads ).
这就使得actors ( threads ) 几乎不可能共享可变状态.
互联网Lists are mutable, but what exactly does that mean ?
列表是可变的, 但是如何正确的改变 呢 ?
互联网Remember what should be remember, and forget what should be forgetten. alterwhat is changeable, and accept what is mutable.
记住应该记住的, 忘记应该忘记的. 改变能够改变的, 接受不能改变的.
互联网Daily experience teaches people that the exchange ratios of the market are mutable.
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