The spectrofluorimetric method is described for assaying ofloxacin in musculature of crucian, eel, carp and tilapia.
采用荧光光度法测定了鲫鱼 、 鳗鱼 、 鲤鱼和罗非鱼肌肉组织中的氧氟沙星药物残留量.
互联网The spectrofluorimetric method is described for assaying ciprofloxacin in musculature of crucian, eel, carp and tilapia.
采用荧光光度法测定了鲫鱼 、 鳗鱼 、 鲤鱼和罗非鱼肌肉组织中的环丙沙星药物残留量.
互联网There is little available musculature to suture anterior to the sternum.
辞典例句The skin is extremely withered, the musculature is flabby and the adipose tissue is hardly present.
皮肤极萎缩, 肌肉松弛,脂肪层几乎不存在.
——期刊摘选Without the cumbersome chewing musculature, brains could grow bigger, marking the divergence of humans from apes.
有个发生在240万年前的基因突变,造成人类始祖下颚缩小,没有了笨重的咀嚼肌肉系统后, 脑部可以长得更大, 而划分了人类和猿类的差别.
——期刊摘选The musculature should be examined for size, strength, and tenderness.
肌肉系统应检查其大小 、 强度及柔韧性.
互联网When patients are instructed to perform sphincter exercises postoperatively, they are actually contracting the ani musculature.
当患者需要进行术后外括约肌收缩训练时, 他们可以收缩提肛肌.
期刊摘选TYPE OF CONSTITUTION: Coarse, with a massive bone structure and a powerful musculature.
体质类型: 粗糙, 有结实的骨骼结构和强有力的肌肉组织.
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