Drunk on his own chivalry, Ashurst went on murmuring.
艾舍斯特沉醉于自己的骑士精神, 继续嘟囔着.
——辞典例句He was delirious, murmuring about that matter.
他精神恍惚, 低声叨念着那件事.
《简明英汉词典》He was delirious,murmuring about that matter.
辞典例句He held me close to him, murmuring endearments.
他抱紧了我, 喃喃述说着爱意.
辞典例句My wife is patting Run'er inside the house, murmuring lullaby mistily.
妻在屋里拍着闰儿, 迷迷糊糊地哼着眠歌.
——期刊摘选Simon shook his head, trying to dispel the licking, murmuring fear.
Simon摇摇头, 试图驱散这舔食着他的, 喃喃的恐惧.
互联网For some years some people had been murmuring against him.
《简明英汉词典》Love is not murmuring in complaint for his hair in the wash - basin.
互联网The brook is murmuring over the pebbles.
辞典例句Peter stopped murmuring, leaned back in his chair, and sighed.
彼得停止了语音操纵, 倚靠在了椅背上轻叹了口气.
互联网Criticism murmuring , complaining, etc. kill relationships. Antidote? Be praiseful!
批评对方, 彼此抱怨等,会破坏爱的关系;解决妙方? 赞美对方!
互联网Fans stopped in mid - swish and a ripple of excited murmuring ran through the hall.
飘(部分)Julia rolled sleepily against him, murmuring something that might have been'What's the matter?'
裘莉亚睡意很浓地挨近他, 嘴里喃喃地说着大概是 “ 怎么回事 ” 之类的话.
英汉文学She must have been murmuring the name of her second son!
一定是在呼唤在香港的二儿子 吧 ?
互联网He is murmuring to himself.
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