This paper describes the Multiplex TimeConversion ( TDC ) system used in Electron Energy Loss Coincident Spectrometer ( EELCS ).
——期刊摘选Objective To establish a canine multiplex system for individual discrimination and paternity identification.
——期刊摘选Domestic trade and the import and export business and so on, adopt the multiplex management system.
防盗、考勤、门禁设备;国内贸易;进出口业务等, 采用多元化经营.
互联网Edna: I saw it at the multiplex last year.
埃德娜: 去年我在影城看了.
互联网Multiplex and WNSL remain committed to delivering the stadium at the earliest possible date.
——期刊摘选Methods: Seven genes of stx 1, stx 2, hly, eaeA , uidA , rfbE , fliC from different strains were detected by PCR and multiplex PCR.
方法: 利用单一PCR和多重聚合酶链反应(mPCR) 检测不同来源菌株志贺样毒素(stx1和stx2) 、 溶血素( hly )、粘附抹平因子(eaeA) 、 β-葡糖醛酸糖苷酶(uidA )、O157抗原编码(rfbE) 、 H7鞭毛抗原编码(fliC)基因.
互联网Thomas Edison invents multiplex telegraphy.
互联网International safety dilemma has multiplex structural dimension such as imbalance, extreme of religionism and nationalism, terrorism.
国际安全困境存在多元结构性维度:非均势化 、 宗教主义和民族主义极端化 、 恐怖主义化.
期刊摘选Figure 1 illustrates the concept of a multiplex wiring system.
辞典例句Dario: How about a movie? We could head down to the multiplex.
达里奥: 去看场电影 怎么样 ?我们可以去影城.
期刊摘选I love going to see a good monster movie and being scared in the dark multiplex.
期刊摘选These extra costs are likely to cause dispute between WNSL and Multiplex.
期刊摘选To increase the effectively transmitted bandwidth, digital multiplex channel modulation is employed to implement SSB modulation.
为了提高载波机的有效传输带宽, 可采用多路数字韦瓦复调制的原理来实现载波机的单边带调制.
期刊摘选Switching configuration required ( for example, multiplex, matrix, etc. ).
所需要的切换配置 ( 例如, 复用器 、 矩阵等 ).
期刊摘选Use of one channel for several messages by timedivision multiplex or frequency division.
期刊摘选Finally, the excellence of this multiplex forward converter is verified by experiment.
期刊摘选Orthogonal frequency division multiplex ( OFDM ) is an effective method to realize high data rate transmission.
正交频分复用 ( OFDM ) 是实现高速数据传输的一种有效方法.
期刊摘选Is the famous auto city , SenLinCheng and multiplex, science and technology.
是闻名中外的汽车城、电影城 、 科技文化城和森林城.
期刊摘选Two buses on the Model 7169 A are jumpered to change their configuration from switch to multiplex.
期刊摘选Electromagnetic valve is often used to detect and control the status of multiplex signal.
期刊摘选Pneumonia is one of the common and multiplex diseases in clinical practice.
期刊摘选In the broadcast domain, filter and insert content multiplex by being aware of the programming information.
在广播领域, 通过了解节目信息而对内容进行滤波和插入.
期刊摘选With the essence of difference and multiplex, postmodernism becomes the origin and basis of multiculturalism.
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