Combining with Multimeter, repairer can identify the issue quickly.
结合万用表的使用, 维修人员能够快速定位故障所在.
互联网This chapter for the data acquisition board will be programmed to achieve a virtual digital multimeter.
互联网Well known as microwave multimeter, microwave measuring line is a classical microwave measurement device.
互联网A multimeter combines these functions, and possibly some additional ones as well, into a single instrument.
一台万用表则组合拥有这些功能, 而且可能会比单个仪器附加一些功能.
互联网The right figure shows a special multimeter used for the auto repair.
互联网Be able to operate multimeter , pressure - gauge , ammeter, and other related measuring equipment.
能够使用万用表, 电表等其他测量仪器.
互联网Basic knowledge about electronics components, circuit and measuring equipment such as multimeter and oscillograph.
熟悉基本的电子元器件, 电路知识和测量仪器,如:万用表,示波器.
互联网Touch one of the multimeter probes to the correct pin to be tested.
互联网A multimeter can be applied to measure current, resistance and voltage.
万用表可用来测量电流, 电阻和电压.
互联网Data sampling section is implemented by GPIB bus and digital multimeter.
互联网A multimeter or a multitester is electronic measuring instrument that combines several functions in one unit.
互联网This type of meter is called multimeter, which is used to measure currents, voltages and resistances.
这种仪表叫做万用表, 用来测量电流, 电压和电阻.
互联网This type of meter is called a multimeter, which is used to measure electricity.
互联网In contrast to high precision digital multimeter , the system measuring relative error is less than 1 %.
与高精度数字万用表的测量结果对比, 系统的测量不确定度小于1%.
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