Sole fillet baked in a pumpkin with healthful multicolor vegetables and a rich, creamy, nutty sauce.
龙俐鱼在南瓜中煎烤,点缀着营养健康、色彩丰富的蔬菜和浓厚 、 奶油味和果仁味十足的酱料.
——期刊摘选In addition, many text wrapper is contained by the multicolor.
另外, 目前许多包装物上的文字也是由多色叠印而成.
期刊摘选Good choice for the odd - shaped products, exquisite and multicolor printing results.
精致,多色, 异型的产品的印刷首选.
互联网Chemical discharge print washcolor ( offset printing ): It could discharge multicolor effect on the natural fabric.
化学拔印、拔染 ( 柯式印花 ): 可以在天然纤维布料上拔出多色效果.
互联网Mainly for Offset Paper , Coated Paper, newsprint, and so do monochrome or multicolor overlay printing.
主要用于胶版纸 、 铜版纸 、 新闻纸等做单色或多色套印印刷.
互联网Multicolor from monochrome to the large, medium and small repair services.
从单色到多色的大 、 中、小维修服务.
互联网DOVE also has other stone replacement products , please see our multicolor and Flyers.
DOVE还有多种可替代石材的涂料, 请看我们的多彩漆和外墙装饰线条的宣传资料.
互联网Multicolor options are also available apart from single color designing and printing.
互联网CAD Module design can combination at will, one, two , multicolor printing unit.
CAD模块设计可任意组合, 单 、 双、多色印刷机组.
互联网Diverse deposed cloth, a piece of white paper, scissors, glue and multicolor cardboard.
各种废旧布块 、 白板纸一张 、 剪刀 、 胶水、各色彩纸.
互联网At last, stick them on the multicolor cardboard and decorate it more.
互联网Familiar with surface and subsurface silkscreen multicolor printing.
互联网Business card printing and membership card CD disc envirogluvtm 80 multicolor.
互联网Multicolor printing , no chromatography needed, perfect color transition, alarming printing results.
一次印刷多色, 无须套色, 完美的颜色过渡, 惊人的印刷效果.
互联网One problem in the preparation Multicolor Coating was how to keep the dispersed colorful granules stable.
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