使成杂色,使有斑点( mottle的过去式和过去分词 );
In the mornings the sky appeared a heavy shade of mottled gray.
柯林斯例句Fernlike foliage and mottled wood used in cabinetry and veneering.
互联网A more conductive carbon black part typically has a more mottled, duller surface.
较导电的碳黑零件一般都有杂色斑驳, 喑诲无光泽的表面.
互联网The back of this snake is mottled.
《简明英汉词典》Its mottled brown and yellow fur helps it blend in with the lichens and the rocks.
互联网Model 6 : 9 bed covers and white sheets are mottled because of bad printing and dyeing.
花型 6: 有9套被套及白色床单上搭色,属印染毛病.
期刊摘选They have angular features, bright blue eyes, and mottled blue - white skin covered in hides and pelts.
他们有着瘦削的面貌, 蓝色的眼睛, 以及蓝白混杂的皮肤.
期刊摘选His face was mottled red and white.
辞典例句The male is grey with a dark brown head and mottled breast.
期刊摘选May appear variegated with mottled pattern over main veins. Usually upright single crown, rarely suckers. Standard.
有时在主叶脉有斑叶的花样. 通常单个顶芽, 很少有侧芽. 标准型.
期刊摘选His face was mottled red and white with embarrassment.
期刊摘选Mottled light scattering or down.
期刊摘选Silence is a day and a beautiful mottled dream.
期刊摘选There is no ticket booth, the mottled walls, the empty waiting area, like an abandoned station.
也没有售票亭, 斑驳的墙壁, 空荡荡的候车区, 就像一个废弃的车站.
期刊摘选The skin becomes mottled blue or purple, then red.
皮肤呈蓝或紫的斑点, 然后发红.
辞典例句Years have, mottled memories, a paragraph, a film recorded in the footsteps of their lives.
曾经的岁月, 斑驳的回忆, 一段段 、 一片片记载了自己生命的足迹.
期刊摘选Dark brown mottled inscriptions, Baked red border engraved gold.
暗褐色斑驳的碑文, 深烙上红金的边框.
期刊摘选An even, consistent and pleasing color is always preferred over a mottled or striped appearance.
具有均匀 、 一致和令人愉悦颜色的音板总是更胜于杂色或有斑纹的音板.
期刊摘选My grandfather cleared a patch of land in the yard to grow mottled bamboo.
期刊摘选Model 1 : Six ones are mottled belonging to printing and dyeing problem.
花型 1: 有6套床单搭色,属印染毛病.
期刊摘选The mottled city wall and those brave soldiers will remain an eternal encouragement for the nation.
期刊摘选When you mottled familiar escape route.
期刊摘选His red, mottled face showed the effect of too much whisky.
朗文当代高级英语词典 第6版...mottled green and yellow leaves.
柯林斯高阶英语词典Iron utensils with a mottled enamel resembling granite.
期刊摘选The female has white stripes above and below the eye and mottled underparts.
期刊摘选Excessive bleaching of the wall has no resplendent past, but more mottled ink meaningful.
过分退色的墙体已经没有昔日的金碧辉煌, 但是斑驳墨迹更加有味道.
期刊摘选A swath of moonlight in the long garden was mottled over with dark shadows.
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